In 2010 Water4Life started a drinking water project in the province of Kalimantan in Indonesia. After a visit of Water4Life to Kalimantan it became clear that in this region of Indonesia there is a great need for safer drinking water. From visits to cities, kampongs and institutions and conversations with ao. the water corporations PDAM from Sintang and Pantianak and government it became clear that the introduction of a water purifier in this region by Water4Life is very welcome. During these visits the first agreements were made about the methods that will be used by water4life.
Among others it was agreed that the department TEC (Training Education Center PDAM Indonesia link to website TEC) of the water corporation PDAM of Pontianak will play an important role in the introduction of the water purifiers in the cities and villages. TEC will take a major part in eduction about hygiene and sanitation.
The engineering college SMK of Pontianak will produce the water purifiers. Water4Life will supply the necessary machinery and education, as to ensure that a lasting and good quality product can be produced.
By this way of working we give the people an affordable option to supply themselves with safe drinking water. Therefor the water purifiers are produced against the lowest cost price possible. By making our knowledge and experience available the local people learn techniques to purify safe drinking water themselves.