Typhoon Haiyan – Philippines

When Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines earlier this month, it leveled entire neighborhoods and left thousands of people dead, missing or displaced.  Even now that the initial devastation has passed, many Filipinos lack access to the most basic necessities of life: food, shelter, and clean water. Thanks to his invention of an innovative ceramic water Read More

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Great results in Niger

Aman Iman has executed a water purification units project in 2011-2012 in collaboration with Water4Life. The project has been carefully designed. Initially, a test set with 10 water purifiers were manufactured locally. After quality checks by Water4life the purification units were distributed to 10 families. The members of the family were medically checked for worms Read More

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Zambia Mpongwe District [Copperbelt Province] | 2009

Tim Welten is a student ‘Biological and Medical Lab research’ of the faculty Life Sciences of the Zuyd University.In 2009 he conducted a study in Mpongwe district in Zambia to find out the usefullness and feasibility of implementation of the Water4Life water purifier in Mpongwe. Summary of this study: The foundation Water4life has developed a Read More

Indonesia Orong Kekeran on Lombok Island | 2008

In 2008 a cooperation was started with the Friends of Lombok Kekeran foundation. This small foundation fights for longer and lasting improved healthier life of the inhabitants of the village Orong Kekeran. The first usertest with the water purifiers from India showed that the villagers are enthusiastic about the product. Boiling water is no longer Read More